Masakit ang ulo ni Basagulo.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


I saw the movie Crash today; after yet again another visit to the dentist. I was having pains in an already crowned tooth. The x-ray was good. It must be grinding of the tooth due to stress. It happened before so it's nothing new. Antibiotics and pain killer should do it. If not time for another root canal.

Back to the movie. I'm seeing it again while writing this blog. It's a complex story line of the characters lives. Nothing is predictable. As I try to predict what is going to happen, the story gets twisted another way. Having lived in LA makes me think about how complex life is in a large metropolitan. I don't miss it. I'm happy in my small suburban town. Where the rednecks and the mountian lions roam. LOL.

I saw the street sweeper clean our street where I live this morning. In LA, you need to move your car every specified day of the week so the street sweepers can pass and clean the road. When I was moving from LA to my present home, my brother parked at the wrong side of the street and the parking officer gave him a ticket. It wasn't even a miute passed by. No warnings, no nothing. The dude wrote the ticket without making a comment, just doing his job. My brother pissed me off for not paying attention, but he paid the ticket. It was a black officer. I wanted to tell him that he's one of the LAPD rejects but I refrained from saying anything. Man, I wanted to verbally abuse that guy but I just shut my trap. I don't know why, I just did.

Everytime I go to LA now a days I ask my self what the fuck am I doing there. The traffic is terrible even in the middle of the day. There is no relief from the traffic. The city is congested and no one wants to use the bus or the rail. Now I know why my brother in law hated LA traffic. It wasn't this bad 15 years ago. We probably meed another earthquake to make people move out. Just kidding, knock on wood.

The movie is so brutally true. The race issue is so real. Cultures are just constantly clashing due to stereotypes and prejudices. I experience racial tension everywhere, even at work. It's sad but it's there. I once talked to an elder Filipino gentleman who told me that racial issues doesn't exist. I wanted to ask him where in Disneylans does he live in. But out of respect, I didn't say anything. It's his world (dementia) why mess with it. It just made me uncomfortable that someone actually believes that.

If you haven't seen Crash, go rent the DVD. You will enjoy it.