Masakit ang ulo ni Basagulo.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas Party.

The Casa Colina holiday party was a success. I attended my first Holiday party in 8 years. I had to buy a new jacket and tie at a local Nordstrom. It was a nice black jacket that looks like velvet from a distance but its a real fine corduroy. I went and checked if Macy's have the jacket on sale but the one they have is not as soft and supple as the Nordstrom's jacket. The price was of course twice as much. I have to treat myself this holiday, I deserve it.

The party was held at the Pomona Fairplex and catered by the Hilton. A local band played, they look familiar as I've seen them at the parks during auto shows and City events. They sound good, mostly oldies music. The food was great. Buffet of course. Everyone at work looks great. We're all dressed up and ready to party.

The gifts range from tickets to the Long Beach Aquarium to trips to the Bahamas and Hawaii. Our retiring unit secretary won the big award to Hawaii and $7,000 in cash, car rental, and other stuff. She won the same prize two years ago. People was saying the prize winners looks staged as the CEO have stories about each winners. How did he know these people? No one knows. I personally know that the CNAs who did win are the hardest working ones of the bunch. Management is not included in the drawings. I didn't win anything as I frequently ignore the CEO when he does his rounds. I'm not shaking his hands, his not running for mayor. One newly hired LVN won and we were wondering how he knew the guy from the registry. Weird. A lot of people were suspicious.

I stuffed myself as if I ate the food equivalent of my new wardrobe. LOL. Not really, but it's nice to have older clothes to wear like shoes and shirt. I BTW bought a new pair of pants too but it's on sale at Macy's.

Some pictures with other RN's at Casa.:

Picture 2

Casa also honored our fallen nurse, Sandra Salgado by bestowing on her posthumously the Frances Eleanor Smith award for dedicated service in Rehabilitation. A plaque and $3,000 were part of the award and another $22,ooo was raised to help support her parents who depends on her as bread winner of the family. The west wing's nursing station will also be dedicated after her. It was a touching moment with her picture up on the screens and a standing ovation to acknowledge her accomplishments.