Masakit ang ulo ni Basagulo.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Keeping your Windows 98, 98SE, Me stable.

I have a 9 year old desktop Windows computer. A Compaq Athelon 500Mhz. 500 FSB computer. It was the fastest computer utilizing the new 32 bit processor that month of 1998 and I just have to have it.

It worked ok. Crashing is it's middle name and windows 98 se was unstable. I have a PowerMac G3 that is way more stable but doesn't have the resources the PC have on the net. I upgraded it to the max with extra HDD, video card, and extra RAM that is beyond what the manufacturer recommends. It was fun to upgrade.

Well to make it stable you have to go here.

Following the instructions will make my old clunker stable for years to come.