Masakit ang ulo ni Basagulo.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Random thoughts.

I reconnected with my old physician. He is better than Kaiser's or others I've seen in the past as he spends time to teach and talk to me about my medical needs. He is a young Chinese doctor that is the thinking type. He actually sits in the exam room with his laptop and discusses my needs.

He stated that he has a way of talking to patients that makes them uncomfortable. He is strict with his demands. He wants his patients to follow his directions but life and poor habits sometimes his demands impossible. I told him that the reason I went back to him is because he is strict and demanding. Most people will get turned off because he will get upset that you are not following his medical suggestions. I, on the other hand, need to be pushed to get motivated in taking care of myself.

My new insurance, to my surprise, covers my new medication and older meds that wasn't usually covered. I finally have a decent coverage. The pharmacist was also surprised that they covered it. It cost about $200 a month if not covered. $40 with insurance.

My guitar playing is still in its infancy. My fat fingers are having a heck of a time getting over other strings. I think with time, they will know what to do. I felt some sharp pain on my right wrist the other day at work. I wasn't holding the guitar right, causing some tendonitis of some sort. I ordered a book online on how to play the guitar.

Sarge is being a punk. Barking in the middle of the night. Digging sounds that wakes me up. I'm ready to send him to the pound. I need to train him to be outside but with winter coming that will be a tad inhumane.

A coworker gave me the telephone number of her cousin. She said she's 37 years old and really nice and a virgin. Why is being a virgin so important? It's so old school. Hey, I'm not complaining or anything. It's nice to know that she's not a slut or something. Everytime I think of calling her my chest tightens. Am I ready to date? It's been so long.