Masakit ang ulo ni Basagulo.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Another year, another birthday. What the heck is the significance of birthdays? Well, it's a time to celebrate the day I was born. I don't get into the philosophical crap because I'm no philosopher. Birthdays for me gives me reason to spend money on good food and toys. Most religious folks will go to church to thank God for this day. I thank God everyday that I'm alive. I don't need a birthday to do that.

I'm looking forward to this weekend's get together with my brother. (Happy birthday, bro). We are going out to this Japanese restaurant. I'm hungry already just thinking of it. We usually order a "boat". It's a wooden boat model about 4 feet long and the food is stacked on the boat's mid section. There are teriyaki chicken, NY steak, tempura shrimp, and other dishes that I can't remember. All I can say is it's a feast.

I made two other engagements this coming Saturday without thinking that that is also the day that my brother is coming. I'm working Sunday so that day is out. I guess I have to reschedule the other two engagements that way I can spread out the festivities of my birthday. As usual, it takes a few weeks to go out with friends who likes to celebrate it with me. I love it.

I don't think I'm getting any more toys this year. I have toys I haven't played with. I think this year will be one of those saving years, where I put money in a pot for retirement and other future uses like buying a house in northern California. Money will be tight this year as I'm working day shift and the night differential is gone. A big chunk of cash. Research shows that night shift folks live shorter lives, thus the extra pay. I've done it for 6 years already and I'm done with it. I enjoy living a normal life and not willing to pay the price.