Masakit ang ulo ni Basagulo.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Orientation Day 1

It's my first day of orientation at my new job. Yehay, new beginning. My Second this year. How much new beginnings can I have per year? Scary, I'm in my late thirties and I'm still searching for my nirvana. I know, I know, it doesn't exist but I refuse to grow up. I guess that is the problem. Or is it?

Everytime I talk to people I only talk about my twenties. My thirties is just work and paying the mortgage and the bills, not fun to talk about. One time someone ask me how old I am and I said 28. I was petrified. I can't believe it. I read somewhere that we need to be young again and to start playing like a child. There is a child in each one of us. I guess I'm practicing it too well.

If I keep telling myself that I am getting old then I start feeling old. I start thinking young and I'm starting to feel young. Heck, I'm not going to jump out of planes to parachute or bungee jump off a bridge or a balloon. I'm just going to think young so my body doesn't get old.

Don't worry I still dress appropriately and act appropriately at my age. No reason to be stupid.

The issue of my marital status came into attack once more. One woman at our orientation was just so surprised that someone like me is still single. First she said "well, you are not ugly (what a relief) and you are a nurse (I have work). " It's good being gay was not introduce. Otherwise, I need a therapist. That will be the worst coz that means I'm acting like a gay person which I'm not. That is a relief. I aske her why my being single is so bad. She just said she wants me to be married. That's not new. Everywhere I go people wants me to be married. As if I'm not looking, I am. I just can't find her.

After this little conversation all the fun of marriage came out. Oh, this lady does have fights with her husband. She have issues with her daughter and it goes on and on. I just smiled and raised an eyebrow. The other nurses were laughing and looking at me. Nodding their heads.

The thing is the single nurses at work are much younger and the one's my age are set on being single or being hard to get. Jeez, hard to get. Hello, time is running out sweet heart, your clock is ticking. LOL. Oh well, that's your problem. I would like to have a kid but not a no. 1 priority.