Masakit ang ulo ni Basagulo.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Another half a week gone. We are now nearing Thanksgiving Day. Yup, that holiday that I wanted to relate to. I imagine that my ancestors were part of the landing party on the Mayflower. Man, it just pumps me up thinking that Filipinos should participate in this occasion. Maybe there is a Filipino/a in the Mayflower performing some support role. Yeah right. No Filipino Puritans. I'm not history expert but this one I can bet the farm on. LOL.

During the past 20 or so years the turkey has been replaced by Armenian garlic chicken. Ofcourse it's backed. No more turkey. They're too big and takes days to consume. The chicken is manageable. It's gone in a couple of sittings. What's up with cranberry sauce? I can't relate to that sauce. Garlic paste is waaayyyy better. Spicy as heck. Leaves that odor in your breath. Man I'm alive.

Turkey stuffing? Hmm... and gravey. Nasty stuff but I used to down tons of this thing. My weight can prove this. Ohh how I hate those pics from the 80's. Yuck.

Being a Filipino, I am indeed thankful that our parents dragged our ass here and just gambled with destiny. Atleast here, the poor can make it with hard work, lots of dreams, and darn pure persistence. A little, or a lot of education can also help. I don't know of any lazy rich people. If there are any, they were born with it.

I'm getting ready with my third job this year. Sounds bad but not really. I'm a free spirit that wants to try out new opportunities. If they don't work out then move on to the next one. The bottomline is that I get another job. It's easy to just sell everything and live a simple lazy life but why? There are goals to be met. Financial, sociatal, educational, blah, blah, blah. Too many to mention. The mind needs to be constantly thinking of new opportunities. Not bogged down by the past and past experiences or failures. There are no failures, just lessons of life. Yup, harsh ones but eye openers.

I drove my MB today and I just say who would have known I'll have one of these luxury ride. I rode the bus for about a decade. The bus pass my friend, passport to freedom. It's hard to go back to waiting on the bus bench for hours waiting for the bus but you have to do what you have to do.

A new year is coming and this year was definitely an eye opener. I was burned out of nursing and quit a job that offers tons of benefits. There is a price to pay though. I finally decided that the price is not worth it. What is the price? High stess, work as a dog, idiot bosses, and red tape. There are jobs that offers less but doesn't ask for me to pay the price. Dude, life is short. Keep moving on. I don't look back much now. I learn from the past and then letting it go.

I wanted to do more photography next year. I did an uncle's funeral and shooting pics is just too natural. My camera seetings are on the money. The shots are photojournalistic. Can't help it if people poses, hey we're Filipinos. We will pose and smile and make funny faces. Love it.