Masakit ang ulo ni Basagulo.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Short work day.

It seems like an impossibility but today is a short day. Thank heavens as I really don't feel like working. One of the patient was cancelled. She had dialysis yesterday and the doctor was anticipating she needs another one today but eveything looks good labs (medical slang for laboratory work) wise.

My boss called me asking how I am doing as I called in sick yesterday. She also wants to verify that I am picking up an extra day for a co-worker. I keep thinking about leaving this company I work for because of low pay and the stupid things I have to deal with. The always good part is the way my coworkers treat each other like human beings.

I don't miss the rude and crude way nurses treat each other in the hospital settings. I don't know if it's a Filipino thing but most Filipina/Filipino nursing boss I had are just plain unprofessional. They talk down to us nurses (doesn't matter what race we are). One even puts words in my mouth and predicts what I'm going to do next. She's the stupidest and funniest Filipina manager I had. STUPID. My brother says it's their insecurity. I believe him. They are so fucking clueless that they just get so frustrated with their staff. She left a message on my machine saying "so are you going to quit, tell the supervisor if you are so we can terminate you." This is on my machine. So, to make her prediction ring true, I never called her back and last week I received a letter of my termination. Alleluia, I'm free at last. Free from the fucking stupid boss. LOL

My present boss is an African American lady that is soft spoken and is genuinely nice. My district manager is a white lady that is available for anything 24 hrs a day. I am just a phone call away. All her nurses have her cell phone. Now, no filipino manager has ever given me her/his cell phone number. If I have a problem, I usually have an issue or I need to deal with that by myself. I was even refered to the employee assitance program. They don't know how to handle/help their nurses. What bad examples of nursing management.

I you have a nice nursing manager, thank your lucky stars. If she is filipino, you are even luckier. I'd say you just won the lotto. Keep that manager, feed her/him with nourishing and fat free food. You don't want her of dying of a heart attack or stroke. LOL

Am I knocking filipino nursing leadership, no. I'm just writing about my experience. I had supervisor who was concerned about my health. She made a mistake of thinking out loud. She said I'll be her project. LOL I reported her to the human resources with another nurse as witness. The HR called her and she apologized. She tried to be the ICU manager but the nurses their ate her alive. She is now back to supervisor of the step down unit. LOL Anther funny thing about her is that her reputation preceeds her. People form other hospitals work at my hospital so they know her and they hate her. LOL THey said she is a backs tabber. Okay it's not just me reporting now, other nurses are telling me this.

AH, enough of this thoughts. Time to think the nice positive thought that will attract other positive things. Like charges attract each other. That's the law of attitude.