Masakit ang ulo ni Basagulo.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The best day in years.

Man, today is the easiest day in my professional life. One patient and an admit at noon. The admit never came and I "baby" sat one patient all day long. The charge didn't send me home so something was up. The other registry nurse was the one who transfered and admitted. She had a bad afternoon as her patient was intubated and a swan ganz catheter was inserted. Her blood pressure was very low and a ton of things needs to be done.

Days like this is rare. So i'm writing about it. I had two lunch breaks and no one complained. People were busy but they were not concerned about me. They are doing their work as they should. In some hospitals, "busy" nurses will actually get mad at me because they are busy and I'm not. Most Filipina nurses and Chinese nurses are like this. I think it's cultural. Asians are dominant in nursing but boy they can be mean heartless beasts. Whites and Latino nurses rarely act in a vindictive way. They communicate better by explaining and leading not yelling and intimidating. Just my observation, I don't have funding for a grant to study this observation.

The unfortunate fact is that a lot of Asian nurses are in management. They are mean and nasty at that position too. They preach professionalism but not act as one. They hold grudges and have childish behaviours. I don't admire their position.

Enough of the poisons of my profession. The good things are rare and far apart. I just enjoy it when it does happen.