Masakit ang ulo ni Basagulo.

Monday, November 07, 2005


It's been more than a decade since I was last in a demonstration. This time the California Nurse's Association was demonstrating in Long Beach Ca. against the proposition the bastard Governor Schwarzenagger has proposed in this costly special election. Proposition 75 was written to silence the voice of organized labor of nurses, teachers, fire fighters and police in the state. This favors the corporations to lobby against the unions without resistance. Long term damage will be lower income, no benefits, no retirement, and larger income to the corporations, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies.

The hospital I work for has defeated past union attempts to organize nurses. This time, another attempt by another union called CNA, California Nurse's Organization, is knocking on our hospital doors. Management attempt to stompt this attempt are called union busting. Our president has a good tract record of this. Unfortunately for him the CNA released public records of his income of which he gave himself a raise of more than a million dollars two years ago. Our hospital is part of a group of hospitals in the Covina, West Covina and Glendora area. The President/CEO said the income released was not true. The truth was he gets three separate paychecks from the three hospitals. Crafty way to conceal income.

As the CEO and other big bosses in the hospital recieved 1 million to 500,000 dollar raises, they slowly strip the benefits they added when other unions were trying to organize. They removed the weekend differencials, they made us pay for days when we call in sick, they gave us high premium insurance coverage, and they do what they please with out assignments and patient coverage.

Many nurses do not want the union dues that cost $800/year and is tax deductatble. The benefits of a union will be free health coverage, $18,000/year added income compared to $o.15 per hour increase, and a retirement account without employee contributions. It's a no brainer.

Hospital union busting pretty much had to do with trying to tell the nurses that the unions are the bad people. They will get our money and disappear. The truth is the union will make the hospital put out more of its income to benefit the workers. Management always have the incentives to bust unions. They will pay out certain nurses to talk the other out of joining. They will increase benefits and other perks that they will later remove.

Back on the demonstration. I walked for what seems to be miles. Round and round a large oblong, chating anti-Arny slogans. A few people even saw me on t.v. My friend called me up and asked me if I was in Long Beach. He said he saw me demonstrating. HEHEHE that was fun.

Lunch was provided at the Long Beach Hyatt. Buffet meal with my choice of beef, fish, chicken, and vegetable. There was cake and all sorts of desserts. I chowed down for I missed breakfast. I was thinking that they will feed us breakfast but they didn't. I made it up with lunch.

We also did some phone banking where I called CNA members and remind them to vote no on all the propositions. An act of defiance against Gov. Arny. I wish he can walk in the nurses, teachers, and firefighters shoes so he knows where we are coming from. I wonder if any of his kids are attending public school.

BTW Arney backed out from stealing the firefighters pension fund as he was tagged as a mean person for harrasing widows and children of deceased firefighters. What a fucking bastard. He also backed out from removing the Board of Registered Nurses and making it a part of the the Consumer Board that watches over hairdressers and barbers. He said the hairdressers can be trained to rule over the nurses. HAHAHA what a stupid shit head. I think there is only rusted steel in this governors head. He said "I learned the hard way." It's scary the governor is just learning about running a state. It can cost the lively hood and the future of hundreds of thousands of dedicated professionals.