Masakit ang ulo ni Basagulo.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Driving around.

I took my 14 year old Civic today and found out the air conditioning is not working. I drove to Arcadia Methodist Hospital to check out the job openings. Fifteen miles in the 85 degree weather without ac got me sweating real quick. After Arcadia i went to East Valley and they only have ICU job openings.

On the way home I stopped by my mechanic and he noticed right away things that are new in the engine compartment. I told him the new alarm and the battery were warantee work. I didn't tell him I had 2 mechanics at one time. I don't go to the other as he was charging me too much for his services.

J is my neighbor and he doesn't gouge me. No wonder he is successful. He moved his auto audio business next to his shop. Great, now I can upgrade my car stereo if needs to be upgraded. I don't buy stereo if its still working. Most only last about 6 years and they go break down.
This is okay as i don't use cassette any more and iPod is now the thing.

Gas prices is in the $4.50 ballpark and higher with othr brands. Arco and Costco have better prices. Arco will charge $0.40 to use ATM. It now cost almost $50.00 to fill up a 10 gallon tank when it used to be $15. My mechanics wife drives an Expedition made by Ford and it takes her $125 to fill up the tank. He said he can't trade it in as they will only give him $4500 for the SUV.

My friend JJ takes the bus to work. A three mile commute and he said he walks home. M poor friend bought a Suburban a couple of years ago and now tries to cope with it. He can't trade it in as he still owes $20,000 on it. That's the problem in buying new over priced SUV.

The Civic also needs the left side mirror assembly replaced as the mechanism inside is broken and it won't stay in place. It's like a spineless device that point inwards and I'm not used to not having a left side mirror. I depend on mirrors a lot when driving.

I left the car at the garage and J was nice enough to have one of his mechanics to drive me home. This mechanic was the one I took care of 3 years ago in the ICU at Intercommunity Hospital. He had a heart attack. He is looking very good. Nice to see people I took care of and still living.

I used to walk home but it was specially warm/hot this after noon so I took the offer for a ride home. I'm picking up the car tomorrow so he can finish the left side mirror. The ac is already fixed. The freon level was zero. No wonder there is no cold air coming out of the ducts. It was last charged more than 5 years ago so it's about time to be charged.

Yup the Civic is no Mercedes but it's 1500 cc engine is thrifty on gas. Compared to the 3200 cc of the Benz and the 3000 cc of the Montero, both six cylinders, the Civic rules. The seat is not comfortable at all. The power stearing was a bit tough to turn. The streo is kick ass Alpine with a CD changer and Alpine speakers all around. It masks the loud driving noise of the Civic. It's not as refined as the present day version but it still works.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fired my gardener.

Okay, after 10 years I decided to save some money by doing my own gardening. My yard is big compared to the tiny cookie cutter lots of today. My home is 43 years old and there are trees here that can be intimidating to a newbie gardener.

Like the way I was when I first purchased my place I bought some gardening tools. This time I got some electric powered lawn mower and edger. No mixing of gasoline and oil needed. Gas equipment I bought 10 years ago is loud, have nasty exhaust, and is very heavy.

The electric lawn mower was easier to push but the electric cable can be bothersome. It does the job well. I set it on mulch so the cut grass goes back to the soil. Auto feeder the way I see it.

I had an electric weed eater I bought 2 years ago and I used it as an edger. I don't want to use the new one I bought. It worked well until the shield started falling off. That was a bit annoying but I just kept slipping it back on until I trimmed the whole backyard area. I later decided just to use duct tape to hold it in place. I'm not buying a new trimmer until this one dies. I also have a gas powered one for serious weed killing.

I then trimmed all the vegetation on the side of the house. This one is a real pain as the vegetation is real thick. A well oiled machine is just cut down the thick vine off the wall. I read an article that this type of vine can destroy walls. I really need to kill this nuisance of a plant.

I was a bit nervous as i don't want to be bit by a spider. Luckily, there were only few ones that are not nasty. Nasty like black widows. Yuck.

So here I am typing this blog with very sore arms. Those machine can get heavy after a while. I left the cut vegetation where they are right now and I will do the rest tomorrow. It was hot and I was just spent after an hour and a half of gardening work.

I should have started earlier but I was feeling lazy. Oh well.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Stupid, stupid people.

There is never a shortage of what I call stupid people. Stupidity has its levels. Some folks will never use the word stupid as it is a harsh criticism of someone who doesn't know any better but that's for another blog. I'm not even talking about disabled people here. They are not included. I am talking about normal people who functions without assistance.

Low level stupidity comprise of smart people who involves themselves on things they don't know. With a little research and teachings, their stupidity diminish with time. I've found myself in this category a lot. My short attention span saves me from being permanently in this category.
Middle level stupidity are those who are smart challenged. No matter what you do, nothing will happen. I know a few CNAs (nursing assistants) like this. They are constantly unable to digest common instructions. They often have that blank stare when you tell them specific tasks. They seem to be trying to find a way out but they are so dumb they can't find any reason for them to argue their point. I enjoy interacting with them as I love watching that brain grinds into a halt and just surrender to my commands. Bwahahaha! Can't blame these peeps as they fill the jobs no one will do. Smart CNAs are well oiled machines of nursing care. They have a plan and direction with their work. Requires no assistance and instructions. The dumb fuckers are the ones who requires constant assistance as they are rotted, rusted pieces of rejected humanity.

Then there is the high level stupid peeps. These folks appear intelligent but the more they say the worst they sound. I call this high level because these peeps look smart but they are not. They can be nice looking but that brain in that skull is missing synaptic connections that comprise intelligence. They don't even have that dumb look. Very interesting folks here, the good thing is that I don't see these types often. They are frustrating to deal with. Conversations with these peeps require constantly dumbing down of the basic concepts of what ever you are trying to discuss. Basic is basic, can't go lower than that. Some in the performing arts belongs to this category and most models are possibly members too.

Where is this leading too? Patients family. This can be anyone. Unfortunately, the trait appears when they try to outsmart a really smart nurse, me. The first specie is the Mexicanus stupidita. No offense to our great neighbors from the south but unfortunately for every culture is this embarrassing specie. She argues with nurses with gazillion of experience and tells me how to run a hospital. Too stupid to realize that she sounds and looks very very stupid when she was telling me about her suggestions. Don't tell pros what to do with your stroked out mom. We take care of her with out most importance and with daughters like her around, degrades our work to nothing. She calls at night and harrass the nurse with questions only this specie can conjure out of thin air. She does it with a bad attitude that if I was on the phone, I will most likely have a poor connection and will auto disconnect. Screw this idiot, my time is important, so I called the supervisor to deal with her stupid arse. The "super" later told me she wanted me replaced but he stood firm and did not switch nurses in the middle of the shift. Other spine less supers would have balked and agreed to her.

The second specie is the Caucasianus stupidito. This fucker of a specie is one that pisses the all knowing nurse, me. When my patient jockingly requested not to have a room mate and I jockingly but seriously responded I can't promise that. This moronic subspecie of idiots responded with a pissed of attitude of "why not, there are a lot of empty rooms" type of answer and was yelling. I reponded with a " why are you arguing with me" snap and high volume to react to this scum of the septic tank, to out shock him alla shock and awe by the Bush administartion Iraqi strategy. Then a quick exit to let the shock sink in, in his shallow stupid brain. bwahahaha. I love to toy with these idiot. So when his mother called for a bed pan, he was smart enough not to call me. The good thing was this specie knows not to mess with me again as he didn't bother me when I wasn't making eye contact with him. Well, there is also that pissed off look on my face. hihihi

Last but not least is the Caucasianus moronsia. A female spouse of a really VIP person who tries to act smart but her former perfume puffer gene at Macy's is hard to conceal from all the facelifts this genius has accumulated in the past. Why I know she used to puff perfumes at a retail store where she met her now invalid husband that was blown by and IED in Bashra? She told another nurse. (snickering laugh) This c*nt will not leave us nurses alone. Knowing she was a hard nosed idiot, I just ignored her requests and slammed her suggestions to the ground. She called me once to suggest that her hubby aspirated. I went to the room, introduced myself and told her that the patient seems fine. I educated her about aspiration but nothing sinks in so I graceully slammed her. She then tried to order me around by asking me to turn her hubby. i told her i'm still addressing the aspiration issue. I can see the frustration in her stupid face. The patient was getting pissed off too. Then the doctor arrived and the patient told his wife to leave him alone and for me to leave him alone too. I made a quick salute and a smile and left. The VIP is a general and a doctor who was building a children's hospital in Bashra when his Humvee was blown up by a roadside bomb IED (improvised explosive device triggered by cell phones). He is now a quad with a large gap in his brain. Lucky to still be alive but his sensations is hypersen sitive. His skin can feel everything, even a small fold on the linen, so he needs constant turning.

I met his daughters and they are really nice and good looking too. They laugh at my jokes which makes them special to me. They are treated like crap by their step mother/perfume puffer. They were told to stay out for an hour before seeing their father. He wasn't doing anything important, he was eating lunch. Let them in, they traveled far. One came from Seattle and the other came from San Diego. The patient uses a pseudo name but his daughter left her card in the room and with Google I found out who he really is. He gave me info like who he worked for and with that and the daughter's last name I found out who he really is. He is a VIP and it's an honor to take care of him. I try to tell the CNAs who sits with him 8 hours a day not to take him personally as he is a traumatic brain injury patient. He can be verbally rough with them as he is sick. The CNAs are getting burned out with him. I don't blame them. 8 hours a day, one on one with him and his idiot wife. Arrgh.

Okay enough of this. So if you guys have time, check it out. Project Hope.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Interesting work characters.

It's been a while since I wrote about work. Yeah, it's there and been there for 50 years. There is a need to what I do and it's really nice to help people out with their needs without killing my self in stress. Don't get me wrong, critical care is important and in demand but it's too much for my body and my mind. There are people who stays in critical care for a long time but that's their choice.

Rehab at night is kinda nice. I help people go tho the bathroom most of the time or change diapers for the incontinent ones. Yeah, it's gross work but it's helping people keep their skin intact and free from sores. If the patient go home with intact skin then we did our jobs. I really have to psych my self out for this kind of job as it involves people's bodily functions. No squimish ones here. Those who were have been fired. Haha, too bad they are in the wrong business.

Elderly women are an interesting group of our population. Most were independent and not used to being helped around. Well, their independence has led to their condition. Most had falls that led to broken hips, thigh bones, etc. Some are suffering from arthritis so they need total hip replacements or total knee replacements. Getting old is not for the weak. Sometimes the suffering is not worth it. The pain can be so bad that most are in chronic pain medication. Narcotics and non-steroidal antiinflamatory drugs are used in combination.

Patient A is an 80 + year old woman that is suffering from frequent bowel movements. I have been assisting her with her dilemma all night long. It started at 10 p.m. and lasted until about 5 a.m. I emptied that bedside commode atleast 10 times that night. I also told her not to toss her wipings in the commode as they will not flush. Sometimes she didn't sometimes she did. It was frustrating as hell. Then she tells me why I wasn't smiling. What the fuck? How can I be smiling if I have emptied a damn commode for more than 10 times in a 12 hour shift? I told her that I am tired and that I just chased a burn patient all the way to the gates of the hospital.

That's true. A patient got so pissed that he tried to ran away at 2 a.m. in the morning. The guy had 3rd and 4th degree burns. He is getting better but when he took off he looked like a mummy. Dressings were wrapped around his body. 4x4 dressings were also falling off as he attempted to ran away. I ran from the nursing station to almost 2/3 to the gate of the hospital. I thought I was not going to make it. The good thing was I had been working out and I actually able to chase him down. I was slightly sore at the hips but not bad at all.

This guy accused me of trying to hit him. I don't even want to touch him as his skin might peel off. He also concocted an accusation that I stuck my tongue out at him. Bwahaha, ridiculous. What a lier. He was yelling profanities at all the nurses and he just abused the LVN that was taking care of him. Told her "f(*& you, f&^% you, mother f(*&^r" for two hours! What a verbal abuser. Bwahaha.

This guy blew himself up working on live gas pipes at his garage. An idiot! Now he wants to sue the hospital. Bwahaha, this is what we get for helping is sorry stupid ass.

The old woman ended up reporting me to the supervisor or something. Rumor has it. No one has talked to me about it. I didn't get her back the following night, thank God. But that's what I get for not smiling while emptying buckets of poop for 12 hours. Don't think this is over. There are more interesting characters coming up.

WOW update
I've been playing a lot of player vs. player on my favorite online game. I haven't been winning lately. What I'm experiencing was like a gambling addiction. I won a lot the first few days I did PvP then losing a lot lately. I know it's no where like gambling as the house has no control of the winnings. The players don't seem to be balanced in terms of abilities. There are even times that players leave in the middle of the game.

I'm losing the appeal of playing PvP. A few reasons, I'm out of money to twink my character. Twink meaning adding all the high class armors and weapons to the character. I need play gold to buy expensive gear and then there are enchants. These are permanent magic spells I add to make the gear deliver even more power for offense or defense. Survivability of my character is the main goal with the ability to kill opponents as fast as i can. Other people are annnoying the heck out of me. They play PvP with no green gear! One guy have the audacity to show up with white gear. Jeez, have the decency to spend some gold on gear. This guy died like 20 times. Rediculous! We lost that game. Me and my brother has been to instances so many times to twink my character. We can only go so much. Not only that, my character is nearing level 20. If he reaches level 20 he goes to the next tier of the battle grounds. The 20 to 29 level. I'm playing the 10 to 19 level at this time. I even see people playing with level 10's that are twinked out so much they are bullet freaking proof. It takes 5 people to kill them for what seems like forever. Unfreaking believable.

I know there are people there with high level characters to make mega-twinks. My brother is one of them. He has a hunter too with a freaking pet that does the attacking for him. It is a sweet character but I like to do the deed myself. Bwahahaha. It reminds me of the days in critical care when I'm shaking on my boots trying to save a person's life during a code. Playing PvP makes me sweat, shake and totally loaded in adrenalin that it's addicting. I know, I need to slow down on this stressful things. It's bad for the heart. I may even need to make a hunter character so low level to piss of the other people. Bwahahaha.

I've only been playing PvP for only a few weeks so I can't be an expert on it. I need more experience and do more research on how people twink their characters.